So there I was, cashing a cheque at Legion bank. On the opposite side of the road was a group of Police and Rangers doing absolutely nothin’ as usual.
The cashier was being habitually slow. But just as I was signing out of the bank, a frikken BULLDOZER comes FLYING past us. The do-nothing-donut-eaters-in-uniform SPRUNG into action and initiated a PURSUIT.

"I’m just trying to move out of the city" - Lady behind the wheel
Not before long the bulldozer pulled to one side. It was calm for a brief moment.

A crowd begins to form all around me. Citizens are in shock at what they are seeing.

HOLD THE PHONE – The lady in the bulldozer refuses her tickets and begins to SPEED OFF! The cops hop in their vehicles and the CHASE resumes.

It’s CHAOS. The lady CHAOTICALLY speeds clocking numbers as high as 13mph.

CHAOS! PURE CHAOS! A full loop of Legion and the bulldozer gets IMPATIENT. The driver CRASHES into everything. DESTRUCTION. Who’s paying for the repairs?

I risk life and limb in the chase. The cops are pi***d off at me for following them – but I’m here for the story baby. These are the character defining moments. Must we all submit to rulers? Who dares stand in the face of authority? When life gives you lemons, you destroy them with a bulldozer. Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope. Carpe Diem.
Stopping for a moment, I lost track of the vehicles.

I ran back to the car. F***k I am so unfit. Maybe I’M THE do-nothing-donut-eating-bozo-in-double-denim.
A few moments later I discovered the bulldozer ABANDONED in the parking lot.

So who was behind the wheel? I have no frikken idea. But even if I did…I ain’t saying nothin’.

The atmosphere at Legion was intense but it slowly dwindled. My hands were still shaking with adrenaline. I managed to speak to an eyewitness – here’s what she had to say:
"Poor lady was standing on bidniss. Cops harassing her because she doesn’t have her papers. She’s trying to make a living, a regular 9-5, cops won’t let her, that’s heartbreaking." - An unknown lady – who may or may not had been captured above, sat in the bulldozer bucket
Well I think that sums it all up nicely. Was the chase justified? If you know any details of this event please reach out to me on +8333897569.